described how someone comes to build their understanding of morality
in a series of layers. Firstly were are born pre-programmed to learn
morality. This “hard-wired” predisposition almost certainly
comes from our long evolutionary development as a social creature.
Secondly we are socialised in a particular context. Then, when
older, we can learn more formally. There is a strong analogy with
language acquisition.
To make a
moral judgement there is an interplay of Intuition and Theory. We
can often make a judgement with almost no thought, as we have strong
gut feelings, or intuitions. However, there are difficult issues
where we need to reflect, and fall back on theories.
brief discussion about whether we can rely on our moral
intuition concluded that it works well most of the time. However
Derek gave examples (primarily Disgust) where it seems to misfire.
Also experiments show that pro-social behaviour can be altered by
seemingly inconsequential factors: e.g. people are more helpful if
there is a pleasant smell in the air.
if intuitions can be “wrong” -
can we find a reliable
yardstick in Moral Theory? There are a number of theories which
claim to have procedures for comprehensively settling issues. The
main ones were discussed, along with situations where they seem to
both intuition and theory
can let us down. There isn't a fail-safe way of knowing what the
right thing to do it. Helpful in this predicament is American
philosopher Bernard Gert. He
suggests that harm to others (death, pain, disability, etc) is the
basis of moral thinking. He says that all “moral agents” know
that these things are wrong to do unless there is sufficient
justification. He is clear that there need not be a unique moral
answer to every situation. We need to use careful reflection and
discussion with others to sort out the best solution to difficult
Jonathan Haidt has
attitudes according to five moral
categories (1) Care/Harm (2)
Fairness (3) Loyalty/Betrayal (4) Respect for Authority (5) Purity.
People who are socially liberal
stress the
first two only. Social
conservatives include them all.
Our cosmopolitan society leads to
us mix with different “moral tribes” - i.e. people who emphasise
different moral categories to us. This illuminates why we often talk
at cross purposes.
In the last 20 years
there has been an explosion of psychological and neuroscientific
research into decision making – including moral decision making.
This is building up a body of knowledge about exactly how and why we
make the decisions we do, and the factors that influence us.
Effective Altruism is a
recent phenomenon grounded in consequentialist ethics. It applies
reason and evidence to find out how we can do the most good. Oxford
philosopher Toby Ord has committed to living on £18k and giving the
rest of his pay. He set up Giving What We Can – and the website
there has a calculator to work out how rich you are. There are
charity evaluation site to make sure your donated money does the best
Euthyphro Dilemma
is attributed to Socrates. If
things are good because God commands them, and for no other reason,
then he could command terrible things and we would have to call them
good. If God commands things because they are good – it suggests
that moral judgement is independent of God, and that he is subject to
it. Most theists find this difficult.
you are in
a discussion with someone who tells you that their God is necessary
for Goodness – ask to take a look at what their scriptures say. It
is hard to take lessons in morality from the god of the Old Testament
or of the Quran/Hadith.
Finally, we looked at
the argument put forward by a prominent Christian speaker about
“Objective” moral values, and how this points to God. After much
discussion - we didn't agree with him!
- Test Yourself
- Charity Evaluation
- Evidence based giving information, and "How Rich Am I"
- Research for the Bible, Quran and Book of Mormon
Just Babies: The
Origins of Good and Evil. Paul Bloom
Morality Without God.
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
The Moral Landscape:
How Science Determines Human Values. Sam Harris
Experiments In Ethics.
Kwame Anthony Appiah
TED Talks:
(short clip from the
above talk, re. monkey fairness experiment:
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