- Nuclear power. There might be cogent arguments to be made against using nuclear power, but currently hysteria and exaggeration seem to dominate the discussion. Famously a Fukushima radiation map was widely circulated, without a key to the colour coding and with added apocalyptic imagery. Greenpeace issued a statement to try to calm the hysteria and dispel misinformation.
- Genetically modified organisms. Paul admitted that he was initially opposed to GMO's and even took part in some direct action. But there is now more evidence of safety. Much of the ideologically driven anti-GMO rhetoric relies on very bad, discredited science.
- Corbyn's election chances. Given the opinion-poll statistics it is almost certain that the Conservatives will win the election. However, when Paul pointed this out on social media it generated a great deal of opposition which he took to be data-denying. This produced prolonged discussion during the Q&A.
- The naturalistic fallacy. "Things that are Natural are good", "Chemicals are bad".
- The myth of the noble savage - a romanticised view of the past. This might stem from valid criticism of Western industrial societies, our colonial legacy and our unsustainable lifestyle. But it can go too far in assuming (against the evidence) that tribal societies are naturally co-operative, peace-loving, democratic and live sustainably.
- Reluctance to criticise victim groups. Seen most clearly in the use of the term "Islamophobia" against anyone who raises criticisms of Islam. Ayaan Hirsi Ali calls this the "racism of low expectations".
- Anti-Semitism. Paul has observed a casual anti-Semitism from some of the (otherwise) liberal left.
- Denial of difference. It seems to be controversial in some green/left circles to acknowledge that people have different abilities. The "blank-slate" view of humanity is common, putting all the responsibility on how people are raised. This denies innate (genetic) differences - dealt with well by Stephen Pinker's book, The Blank Slate.
How can this tendency to deny or ignore
science be countered? Paul introduced the ideas of two philosophers
of science; firstly Karl Popper (The Open Society and Its Enemies)
argued that "falsification" is the basis of science. Any
truly scientific idea can be falsified by observation and experiment,
leading to a gradual improvement in knowledge.
Thomas Kuhn (The Structure of
Scientific Revolutions) on the other hand argued that the scientific
community could be reluctant to change and would defend the current
consensus ("paradigm") until forced to accept a new one - a
"paradigm-shift". Post-modernists took this to mean that
scientific theories are merely social constructs. Paul sees this
thinking, leading to cultural relativism, as having infected the
left. He suggests that Popper's idea can be the cure: when we state
our ideas we also say what would make us change our mind.
Unfortunately Margaret Thatcher liked Karl Popper so there is little
chance of him being accepted by the left!
It is a cultural norm to think that
having strongly and consistently held beliefs is a virtue. Paul
suggested that this is ridiculous, and we all need to be more open to